quinceanera party

Renting kids birthday party places in any decent-sized city is a daunting task. The sheer number of options, or party venues, can be overwhelming. Take Fort Worth, Texas, for example, a city we are intimately familiar with. We probably have five-hundred party venues in Fort Worth, and choosing from five-hundred event venues is an overwhelming job for anyone.

This article should help.  We are Tarrant Events Center, serving the Greater Fort Worth area, and we know a thing or two about renting party room rentals.  Call us at 817-996-3636 for more information, and if you are in the Fort Worth area, call us to arrange for a tour of our event center.

Can any kids birthday party places really match your vision?

Ask five-hundred kids what their best birthday party will look like, and we guarantee you will receive five-hundred different responses.  Guaranteed!  Which leads us to the question: can any birthday party venue possibly be everything for everyone?  And the answer to that question, obviously, is no.  In fact, some don’t even try.  You can find birthday party venues which are theme-based, like fairy tales or nursery rhymes.  You can find sports party venues, and you can find gaming party hall rentals.

Having said all that, the best shot you have at matching your vision of the perfect birthday party is to rent a generic party venue which can be transformed into the vision you have, and by generic we mean no themes.  What you want are four walls, the amenities which make transformation possible, and a strong sense of DIY attitude.

Or, break it down by cost of kids birthday party places

If your main goal is to keep the cost down, your job of finding a kids birthday party place is much easier. Prices range from $500 to $5000.  Just remember that your budget must also take into account any decorations, entertainment, and food prep.  It seems amazing that we would have to remind you all of that, but you would be surprised by what we have seen since we opened for business.

And, when you finally find the perfect venue . . .

Matching your vision, using a generic, no-themed venue, plus staying inside of your budget calls for a great amount of creativity and, as mentioned earlier, a DIY attitude.  Places like our Tarrant Events Center offer the bare-bones, the structure, if you will, for you to turn into a magical place, and full-day rentals, from 8:00 a.m. to closing, give you more than enough time to decorate, prepare food, and set up entertainment.  And enlisting friends and family to help you in those tasks is as easy as making phone calls and sending out emails.

A final word about Tarrant Events Center

At Tarrant Events Center, we don’t try to be something we are not. We are not a Disney-themed event center.  We are an event center, period, a something-for-everyone sort of place.  With ten floor plans, a moveable stage, video monitors throughout, two VIP rooms in addition to the main room, a finishing kitchen, and an acre of landscaped grounds, we have the basic palette upon which you can paint your picture.

Call us to arrange for a tour!