Before you begin touring all of the garden wedding venues in your area, we strongly recommend that you read this article. We are Tarrant Events Center, serving the Greater Fort Worth Metro area with our affordable all-event center. Call us at 817-996-3636 for more information and to arrange for a tour of our facility.

Now, let’s take a look at the pros and cons of garden wedding venues.

The pros of garden wedding venues.

Where to begin?  Outdoor wedding venues in general, and garden wedding venues in particular, are lovely settings. The fresh flowers, the fresh air, the lovely ambiance . . . what is there not to like, right? The lighting is usually perfect for the photographers, the attendees have a large space where they can stretch their legs, and there is this feeling of unlimited possibilities when saying your vows in such a lovely, natural setting.

All of that is true until . . .

The cons of garden wedding venues.

Mother Nature has a way of upsetting things, and she is unpredictable.  Imagine, for a moment, reserving a wedding venue a full year in advance. Imagine making all of your plans based on that lovely setting.  And then imagine a rainstorm blowing through the area on the day of the Big Event.

Imagine construction being conducted a block away from the wedding venue, something you have no control over, something which will instantly disrupt the proceedings and ruin the vibes.

Imagine any of a dozen other scenarios which are completely out of your control, like a sudden infestation of wasps, or wind shifting and sending wildfire smoke into your area.  And the thing is, none of the scenarios we are raising are out of the question or that abnormal. They all could very easily happen on your chosen wedding date.

We have a solution which eliminates most of the cons.

So, what are we saying, that you shouldn’t plan on a garden, or outdoor, wedding?  No, not at all, but we are saying you need to be smart about your planning, and you need an event space rental which will protect you against all the scenarios we mentioned earlier.

What is that solution?

You need to consider renting an event venue which has outdoor as well as indoor facility/space.

Let’s use our own Tarrant Events Center as an example.  Our outdoor area, over an acre in size, is perfect for a lovely garden wedding; however, we also have our indoor facility, capable of saving your event should the unexpected happen, and that makes all the difference in the world. With Tarrant Events Center, you can confidently make your reservation a full year in advance, knowing you are protected from any unforeseen mishap.

Two for the price of one, protected no matter what, and that kind of assurance is a huge stress-relief.

A final word about Tarrant Events Center.

Tarrant Events Center is locally owned and operated. Call us and arrange for a tour, and make sure you ask us about our all inclusive pricing policy.  It is a game-changer and offers an added layer of assurance.