We take a look at small wedding venues

Admittedly there is something very romantic and quaint about farm wedding venues. They are just quirky enough to appeal to practically anyone looking for something different in outdoor wedding venues.

In truth, though, there are drawbacks to a farm wedding venue, and you need to be aware of those drawbacks before settling on that option.  We will talk about those drawbacks in this article, not to be a Debbie Downer, but to give you a realistic look at that option. We are Tarrant Events Center, not only an indoor wedding venue but also an outdoor wedding venues in Fort Worth, Texas.  Give us a call if we can be of assistance in deciding upon the perfect venue for your big event.

With a creative eye, you can transform our wedding venue into a farm wedding venue. You will have the use of both inside and outside areas. This way you don’t have to be concerned about the weather or other issues.

The drawbacks to actual farm wedding venues

Let’s summarize the drawbacks of an outdoor wedding venue this way:

  • The weather
  • Lighting
  • Bugs
  • Hidden costs and pricing
  • Availability
  • Privacy and safety

Let’s look at each of these and then we will discuss an affordable wedding venue like Tarrant Events Center.

The weather and farm wedding venues

Mother Nature is by far the biggest disadvantage for a farm wedding ceremony venues.  There is no way to control nature.  You can plan your wedding a year in advance, aiming at the July 1st date, and July 1st arrives with thunderstorms predicted and the threat of tornados.  Does that sound like a dream wedding to you?

So you rent a large tent to protect you from the elements, but we invite you to go on YouTube and search for outdoor wedding disasters.  We have seen a Texas thunderstorm literally pick up a party tent and blow it two-hundred yards away.

Dream wedding scenario? More like a nightmare!


Without a doubt, farm wedding venues offer quaint locations and superior ambiance, but they also present problems with lighting for those memorable wedding photographs.  Ask a professional photographer what they prefer, indoor or outdoor venues, and they will tell you indoor every single time.


Oh my goodness, a Texas wedding on a farm is a nightmare waiting to happen.  Ever been bitten by a horsefly?  Ever tried to eat wedding cake while you battle mosquitoes?  Do we need to say more about bugs on a farm?  And if it is a working farm with livestock?  You can’t imagine the cloud of insects you will be dealing with!

Hidden Costs

Outdoor venues do not have all the amenities that indoor wedding venues have.  Power must be brought to the site.  The logistics can, and often do, mean additional costs. We want you aware of that before your budget is shattered.


Outdoor wedding venues are almost always totally booked during the peak season for outdoor activities, May-September.  Keep that in mind when booking in advance.  Wait too long and you won’t be able to find a farm wedding venue.

Privacy and safety

It goes without saying that an outdoor wedding venue does not have the privacy of an indoor wedding venue, but safety is another matter which many people overlook.  A working farm is an accident waiting to happen.  Do you really want to sacrifice safety for a unique setting?

About Tarrant Events Center

We offer an indoor wedding venue and a one-acre outdoor wedding venue, side-by-side, for your convenience.  At Tarrant Events Center you can plan an outdoor wedding, and if the weather doesn’t cooperate, you can move the whole shebang indoors.  No, it won’t be a farm venue, but it will be convenient and practical and devoid of all the problems listed above.

Call us and we will make it happen!