The best event center in Fort Worth

Finding a Fort Worth event center is no problem. Finding the one which fits perfectly with your event vision, and fits perfectly with your budget, that can be a problem.

We are Tarrant Events Center, serving the Greater Fort Worth area with our all-purpose Fort Worth event center. Call us at 817-996-3636 for more information and to arrange for a tour of our facility.

The price of an event center is just a small piece of the puzzle.

By far, the most common question our leasing agents hear is this one: What is the price of your event center?  It’s a fair question, and it is not surprising it is the first question asked, but it is only a piece of the puzzle.

In response to that question, Tarrant Events Center costs between $2000-$3000 per event, depending upon the day of the week.  If we had to guess, we would say the range of event hall rental prices in Fort Worth would be in the $500-$5000 per event range.

But, and you need to pay attention to this next point, the cost of renting an event space rental is only part of the story.

How does an event center meet your vision?

This is the question which is equally important as the price. Is an event room rental capable of matching the vision you have for your particular event, because the truth is this is not a one-size-fits-all situation. Event centers are diverse in design, and that’s as true in Fort Worth as it is in New York City.  They are not cookie-cutter in design, and they are not cookie-cutter in their flexibility of design.

Tarrant Events Center has the flexibility to meet very diverse needs.

What do we mean by “flexibility of design?”  Allow us to tell you about Tarrant Events Center.  We have two VIP rooms in addition to the main event hall. We have a finishing kitchen. We have a moveable stage and wireless microphones. We have tables and chairs and ten different floor plans to choose from. We have multiple big screen video monitors, and we have over an acre of landscaped grounds.

What that all adds up to is this: We can turn our event center into practically anything you want it to be with our multiple floor plans, and our flexible design makes it possible for you to match your vision to our building.

Not all event centers can say that, and it’s your job, if you are not in Fort Worth, to find one which does match the flexibility of design offered by Tarrant Events Center.

A final word about Tarrant Events Center.

Tarrant Events Center is locally owned and operated, and we believe that’s an important consideration.  We are Fort Worth residents helping other Fort Worth residents. Chances are we will see you out shopping, or at church, and we want to be able to look you in the face and know we did a great job in meeting your needs.

We believe we can. We believe we will. Call us!