garden wedding venues

If you are on the fence deciding on garden wedding venues vs the traditional indoor wedding venues, this article will hopefully help you. We are Tarrant Events Center, serving the Greater Fort Worth area with our all-purpose, affordable event center. Call us at 817-996-3636 for current pricing information and to arrange for a tour of our facility.

The obvious advantages of garden wedding venues.

The title of this article should make it apparent that we will be concentrating on the benefits of garden wedding venues.  We are big fans of them, a statement which may seem strange, considering we operate an indoor events center, but we will talk about that a little later in this article.

The first benefit of garden wedding venues or, for that matter, most outdoor wedding venues, is the incredible ambiance.  Is there anything better than saying “I do” amongst flowers in bloom and fresh air gently caressing the ceremony?  A wedding in a natural setting is awe-inspiring.  In addition, the lighting is usually great for the hundreds of photos, the area offers space for children to roam, the attendees have room to stretch their legs, the flowers are already there so you don’t have to buy any, there is more versatility for planning, and did we mention the stunning scenery and ambiance?

Why indoor wedding venues might be chosen instead.

We do not want to go negative in this article, so we will briefly mention the two main reasons why indoor wedding venues might be more practical: indoors is a controlled environment, meaning less can go wrong, and indoors protects you from fickle Mother Nature.

Risk vs reward.

And this, then, is what it really comes down to, risk vs reward.  There is no way to make a reservation months in advance and accurately predict the weather for your magical day.  No matter where you are, Vermont or California, Iowa or Louisiana, the weather forecast will be of incredible importance to you as your big date approaches, which leads us to this word of advice: Have a safety net in case the worst-case scenario happens and Mother Nature unleashes her fury on your special day.

More on that later!

What do you want?  If you want the special vibes associated with an outdoor wedding, then you can make it happen.  People have been married outdoors since Adam and Eve, so it obviously is not only viable but also very doable.  You simply need to find a solution to the potential problem of weather, and we believe, at Tarrant Events Center, we have found that solution.

A final word about Tarrant Events Center.

Tarrant Events Center offers the traditional indoor venue, but also an acre of landscaped garden area, meaning you are protected should the weather turn ugly.  You wake up the day of the wedding, the skies look threatening, you make a phone call and tell your decorating team to move the event to our indoor venue.  Since you are renting our venue for the entire day, this is very possible.  Then, if the weather turns nice afterwards, you can move the reception out into the garden area, and those gorgeous photographs will still be possible.

Tarrant Events Center is locally owned and operated. Give us a call and ask us about our all-inclusive pricing policy and yes, we do take reservations a full year in advance.