We take a look at small wedding venues

Choosing from the many wedding venues available to you can be a daunting task. After all, it is obviously your intent, and your desire, to choose the absolute best wedding venue possible for your very special event.  A once-in-a-lifetime event should have the absolute best, correct?

In this article, we will do our best to give you some industry tips to help when choosing among the many affordable wedding venues.  We are Tarrant Events Center, serving the Greater Fort Worth area with our outstanding event center.  Call us at 817-996-3636 for more information and to arrange for a tour of our event hall rental.

And, now, the help we promised you when choosing a wedding venue.

Narrow down that list of wedding venues very quickly with the first step

You have a budget.  Everyone does.  Pick up the phone and start calling all of your local wedding venues.  Those which fit within your budget will make the list. Those which do not fit within that budget are left off, no matter who famous or fancy they are.  You do not want to begin that marriage in debt by renting an over-priced wedding venue. It’s not necessary to do so.

Look for flexibility in wedding venues

Once you have that list of inexpensive wedding venues, it is now time to turn your attention to your vision for your wedding.  What is the vibe you want to create? What does your ideal wedding look like in your mind?  And can that vision be attained at each of the wedding venues you visit?

Here is a dose of reality for you to consider: none of the wedding venues you visit will have everything you want.  They are not designed that way, with a single wedding in mind. Rather, wedding venues are designed with an eye on the norm. What does the “average” wedding look like? That is what the architects of an event hall rental look at when planning the construction.

Which means, of course, that you will need flexibility in that design in order for your vision to become a reality.

What does flexibility in design look like?

At Tarrant Events Center, we have ten floor plans for you to choose from.  In other words, we can configure our event space rental to look ten different ways depending upon the needs of our clients.

That is flexibility!

At Tarrant Events Center, we have an indoor venue, but we also have over an acre of landscaped grounds in case our clients want an outdoor wedding venue, or in case they want an indoor wedding AND an outdoor reception, both at the same place (which, we might mention, would be a huge savings).

That is flexibility!

A final word about Tarrant Events Center

At Tarrant Events Center, our event room rental is not designed with one particular theme in mind. We aim to be a blank canvas upon which you can paint your masterpiece.  We have two VIP rooms in addition to the main event room. We have a finishing kitchen in case you want to have a BYOF and BYOB event.  We have a “floating” stage which can be moved anywhere to accommodate your wishes, not ours, because, ultimately, this is YOUR once-in-a-lifetime event, not ours.

Call us today and arrange for a tour of Tarrant Events Center.  You owe it to yourself to see what we have to offer in a wedding venue.