Instead of looking at quinceanera venues Haltom City, we suggest you expand your search include Fort Worth quinceanera venues and Tarrant County quinceanera venues. That way you will find the very best quinceanera venue for your special event, and included in that search you simply must visit Tarrant Events Center, the newest and most user-friendly quinceanera venue in all of Tarrant County.
Call us for details and to arrange for a tour of our facility.
What you need in a quinceanera venue
Of course, every quinceanera will be a little bit different. It is, after all, a very personal celebration for a cherished young woman, and all parents have a particular vision of what that event will look like. But, at the very least, every quinceanera venue should have the following:
- Tables and chairs
- A dance floor
- Audio and video systems
- WiFi
- Area for food preparation
- Separate VIP rooms for primping and gifts
- A stage for musicians
- Ample parking
- Easy access for set-up and take-down
Those are the basics regarding the actual quinceanera party venue. In addition, you will need food, drinks, entertainment/musicians, and decorations, but those concerns are separate from the actual party space rental . . . or at least, they should be separate, and we’ll explain that later on in this article.
What you will get at Tarrant Events Center
Everything listed above can be found at Tarrant Events Center. We actually have ten floor plans for you to choose from. We have a high-quality sound system, six huge monitors for that special dedication film you will surely want to show the attendees, and we have a moveable stage which can increase in size, from 4’x8’ to 20’x20’, depending upon your needs.
We have two VIP rooms separate from the main hall, and we have a finishing kitchen. In addition, we have our indoor facility plus a full acre of landscaped grounds so your party can move outdoors, weather permitting, and so that guests can enjoy stretching their legs on the grounds during the party.
And one other thing we believe is important: we are locally owned and operated. As Texans, we are very much aware of how important a quinceanera is, and we know what you need. Familiarity is important for such an important event, and we are very, very familiar with the tradition.
What about cost?
There are two basic costs you need to be concerned about: the cost of the venue rental, and the cost associated with the actual party i.e. food, entertainment, decorations.
The cost of Tarrant Events Center ranges from $850 to $2,500, depending upon half-day or full-day rentals, and what day of the week you will be reserving. Weekends always cost more than weekdays. This price range is about average, perhaps a bit below average, for Tarrant County, and you can verify that by calling around and obtaining quotes from other venues.
The cost of the food, decorations, and entertainment is up to you to determine. We leave those particulars up to the individuals. We do not serve as agents in finding caterers or entertainment or decorators. You can obtain better prices by doing that negotiating yourself.
A last word about Tarrant Events Center
You can find less-expensive quinceanera venues. You can find venues which will take care of the food, entertainment, and decorations for you (at an added cost). What you won’t find, however, is a venue which will work more closely with you and make sure you have exactly what you need. We are Texans through and through, and we take care of our neighbors.
Call us today! Reservations are taken a full year in advance.