You might be able to find Haltom City wedding venues which fit your budget.
You might be able to find Haltom City affordable wedding venues which have a floor plan to meet your specific needs.
And you might be able to find Haltom City inexpensive wedding venues which offer a full-array of amenities for any type of wedding or wedding reception.
Or you can drive five miles down the road, to 5230 Denton Highway, Fort Worth, and definitely find the wedding venue which checks off all of your boxes. We are talking about Tarrant Events Center, and we suggest you call us to arrange for a tour of our event hall rental soon.
Let’s talk about some of our unique features
Half-day or full-day
Tarrant Events Center offers half-day or full-day rentals. This is not a norm you can count on with many wedding venues. We have found that most weddings only last four or five hours, and we didn’t feel it was proper to charge for time you did not use. If you can conduct your wedding from 8-3, why pay for a full day? If you can conduct your wedding from 5-midnight, why pay for a full day?
We treat you fair at Tarrant Events Center!
Indoor or outdoor
This is unique to Tarrant Events Center and a small handful of other wedding venues: we have over one-acre of landscaped grounds at our location, meaning you can either plan for an indoor wedding or an outdoor wedding, whichever you prefer . . . or . . . you can have the wedding outdoors and the wedding reception hall rental indoors, handling both events at the same location, and how convenient is that?
We offer convenience and options at Tarrant Events Center!
All-inclusive pricing
Let’s talk about pricing! Our prices range from $850 to $2500, depending upon whether you are renting for a half-day or a full-day, and what day of the week you rent, weekends traditionally costing more than weekdays. Trust us, and you can confirm this by doing some research, our prices are on the lower end of the price spectrum for Tarrant County/Fort Worth/Haltom City.
Think about it in practical terms. If you rented our event center for a full day on a Saturday, you would be paying $2500 for both a wedding venue and a wedding reception venue. Shop around! We don’t believe you will find a better price for two events in Tarrant County.
And our pricing is all-inclusive, meaning there are no surprises. We will not shock you with hidden fees three months after you sign the contract, and our contracts are good for one year from signing. We tell you upfront what you will pay, and that price does not change for the length of the contract.
We offer peace of mind at Tarrant Events Center!
Call us today and arrange for a tour of our facility. Ask all of your questions at that time. We will work with you, just as we have worked with hundreds before you. Our goal is to take your stressful moment and turn it into a glorious moment, and we always meet our goal.